Information for our

A few important tips to ensure a great outcome and avoid any surprises along the way…

It is important to care for your teeth in-between check-ups, ensuring that both your treatment and health of your teeth are maintained. Remember, you are also a partner in the process and your oral health care doesn’t end between visits.

These are just a few steps you can take to help keep things on track with your orthodontic treatment. A little extra effort on your end now will certainly pay off when your treatment is completed. 

Keep Your Teeth Clean

If you have any type of orthodontic appliance, such as braces, clear aligners, fixed or removable plates or are wearing retainers, keeping your teeth clean is important. When daily routines are changed, it is easy to forget to do the things that we would normally do each day, but if you forget to clean your teeth properly you are more likely to get gum disease and tooth decay.

Brushing your teeth, three times a day, timed for five minutes with a little water, toothpaste and your toothbrush will go a long way. Make sure to do all the surfaces of your front and back teeth, including the biting surfaces of your teeth and those next to your tongue – not just where your braces are.

Push firmly enough to get your toothbrush past your braces and into your teeth and gums. Pay attention to the areas where your teeth and gums meet.

Change to a new toothbrush as soon as the toothbrush you are using no longer has straight even bristles and starts to look worn out or is more than a month old.

If your gums become red, sore and puffy then you need to slow down and clean these areas more – do not avoid them. The areas most missed are:

  1. Bottom front teeth, where you need to open your mouth slightly and pull your bottom lip away from your teeth, so you can clean these teeth and your braces more easily.
  2. The very back of your mouth, ensure that both your top and bottom back teeth are cleaned thoroughly.

We would prefer that you use a manual toothbrush morning and night and if you do use an electric toothbrush, then that can be used for the after lunchtime toothbrushing.

Also remember to use the small interdental (Christmas tree) brushes to clean between your teeth and around your braces and look in the mirror to make sure you’ve cleaned thoroughly each and every time.  These brushes are available at Woolworths and some chemists.

You should also rinse your mouth with water after drinking any fizzy soft drinks, fruit juice, flavoured milk or energy drinks. These all contain sugar, which leads to tooth decay.


You need to have regular orthodontic appointments to ensure that treatment progresses smoothly. We do like to see you every 6-10 weeks. It is important that at the end of every appointment another appointment is made as we do book out 8-10 weeks in advance. At these appointments your teeth are not checked for tooth decay or any other problems, so it is important that you also maintain regular visits to your dentist during your orthodontic treatment. 

If you realise that you will be unable to attend your appointment or miss an appointment please let us know as soon as possible so that a new appointment can be made. 

Mouthguards for Sport

If you require a mouth guard for sport, we recommend you buy a clear Elastoplast mouth guard in an adult size. This can be bought at the chemist and we can mold this for you at your appointment. Be sure to bring it to your appointments as it can be remolded a couple of times before a new one needs to be bought. 

Braces: Food & Drinks to Avoid

Hard foods are more likely to bend your wires—causing your teeth to move in the wrong directions. They are also likely to break your brackets and wires, which will also cause more problems. At this time, it is especially important to handle your appliances with care.

Hard foods such as apples, carrots and celery should be cut into small pieces, cooked or grated before being eaten. When eating meat with a bone in it, cut it off the bone first, otherwise you run the risk of breaking your braces. Fruit with a central stone, such as peaches, plums and apricots similarly need to have the stones removed before eating.

Other hard things to be avoided include:

Sweet or sticky foods and soft drinks (including energy drinks) will cause tooth decay and should be avoided. Drinking water or milk is best.

Sweet foods to be avoided include:

Braces: Wear Your Elastics

Keep your orthodontic treatment on track by continuing to wear your elastics as we told you. If you are unsure about how your teeth are moving or biting together, do not hesitate to contact us. We’re here to give you the best advice.

Things to watch out for are:*

  1. Top teeth that start biting on top of, or behind, your bottom teeth
  2. Your top and bottom teeth no longer bite together
  3. Your top front teeth start to tip inwards

If you are running low on elastics, call us and we can arrange some more.

*If your treatment involves jaw surgery then your treatment goals will be different and you should call us with any questions about how you should be wearing your elastics and how your teeth should bite together.

Braces: Breakages

If something breaks or loosens then you need to let us know as soon as possible so that an appointment can be made for it to be fixed. Please do not wait until your next appointment to let us know—otherwise there may not be enough time to fix it. 

If something breaks on the weekend, please call on the following Monday morning. Any discomfort can be minimised by covering the breakage with wax, cotton wool, sugarless chewing gum. It is usually necessary to repair breakages during school hours. 

Braces: The First Week

If your teeth become sore, 

Remember that after the first few days things do get better. 

Clear Aligners: Treatment Tips

When you have Aligners, a few simple guidelines need to be followed. Taking care of your appliances, together with a few simple precautions, will ensure the best possible treatment result, minimise your treatment time and make your treatment as trouble-free as possible.

Twin Block: Information

 A Twin Block is used to correct the bite of people who have a small lower jaw and who have top and bottom front teeth that don’t meet together properly. It works by changing your facial muscles, modifying jaw growth and moving teeth within the jawbones. 

The Twin Block comprises two parts. An upper plate which clips onto the top teeth and another interlocking plate that attaches to the lower teeth. When you close, these two plates meet in such a way that they guide your lower jaw into a better position. 

 To be effective both plates need to be worn together and all the time for between six and nine months. Initially this may seem very uncomfortable. If this is the case only wear the plates for two to three hours in the first few days, then increase daily wear to full-time within a week. The earlier the appliance is worn full time, the quicker the result. Be comfortable wearing the appliance during the day before attempting to sleep with it in at night. 

Twin Block: Treatment Tips

Bite Plate: Information

A bite-plate is designed to prevent you from damaging your teeth if you grind your teeth at night. 

This appliance consists of a removable plastic plate, which fits into the top of your mouth and is clasped to some of your upper teeth. It is designed so that any grinding that occurs is against the plastic of the plate rather than upper tooth against the lowers. 

It can also help reduce a deep bite by allowing the back teeth to erupt. 

Bite Plate: Treatment Tips